The firm is well known for its graphic design and quality reproduction of its end products and reports. The firm has in-house landscape designers who are professionally trained in creation of maps, concept plans, plan details, graphics, etc. Our professional team also includes an in-house group of skilled design professionals who are adept at creating a clear computer generated colored displays such as charts, graphs, and tables. The firm has created maps for use at the regional, county, local, and neighborhood levels. We have created a wide variety of specialized maps displaying land use, flood plains, slopes, hydric soil, wetlands, public utilities, etc. for the many comprehensive plans undertaken. The firm can utilize a number of software design and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) packages to create unique, digital mapping. The GIS mapping is up datable through a number of packages including: ArcInfo, ArcView 3.0, AutoCAD, Atlas GIS, etc. Our firm uses ArcView 3.0 GIS and MapInfo 3.0 to create geographically referencable mapping. Our choice for using GIS packages was influenced by the national trends involving public agencies such as Penn DOT, US Geographical Services, National Wetlands Inventories, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Conservation and National Resources, the Department of Environmental Protection, and many other state and federal agencies to make available their digital information. The data is created on Environmental Research Institute Systems (ESRI) extensive GIS package ArcInfo, on CD ROM for use on ESRI’s ArcView GIS software packages. This information is transferable to MapInfo packages using the AcrInfo export format. However, many communities do not have the hardware or trained staff to operate a GIS system. For this reason we create digital mapping, easily transferable into common software packages and colored hard copies of all mapping. The maps are detailed pictures of the community drawn by our Landscape Designer. While both types of maps contain similar data, our non-GIS mapping is customly drawn and of excellent quality detailing communities to the parcel level. Included in our plans are numerous graphics depicting important statistical and textual information. These graphics are clear and concise and produced in the form of charts, graphs, and tables. These graphics are produced through software packages including Corel WordPerfect Office Suite 7.0 (WordPerfect, QuattroPro, Presentations), Micrografx Designer 7.0 or Microsoft Office Suite 6.0(Word, Excel, Access) if desired. Overall. RCS&A’s graphics and mapping are of exceptional quality and have become an industry trademark of our plans. |