About Us
Over the past 27 years our firm has compiled quite a resume. Rather than make this website burdensome by reviewing everything we have done, we offer a brief introduction to our qualifications, experience and thoughts with an emphasis on our current efforts. We consider ourselves one of the leaders of rural community planning in western and central Pennsylvania.
RCS&A offers an optimal balance of experience, skill, and dedication. We are a comprehensive community planning, an economic development, land planning, and historic preservation planning consulting firm. We make our living on good planning as opposed to planning activities as secondary support to large engineering contracts. Over the last 27 years we have successfully completed over sixty (60) Comprehensive Plans at the regional, county, and municipal levels with an additional ten (10) comprehensive plans under preparation.
We take great pride in our creation of working relationships with area and local public officials, planning officials, planning commissions and their staffs, citizen’s groups, and other applicable agencies and boards. These relationships provide input from all sectors of the community which impact upon the local planning and community development process. |